
Shrey Gupta

PhD student @Emory University | Member of Remote Sensing Group | Previously @CAV Lab, @Simbiosys Lab


Atlanta, US



  • [5/27/2024] Our work on estimating PM 2.5 using spatial transfer learning got accepted at ECML-PKDD'24!
  • New!! [11/06/2023] Successfully defended my PhD proposal!
  • [6/15/2023] Our work on regression transfer learning got accepted at IJDSA journal!
  • [2/27/2023] Our work on analyzing belief movement got accepted at EuroVis'23!
  • [11/1/2022] Attended ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022 conference in Seattle, WA, USA. I am honored to receive the Travel Grant Award!
  • [10/28/2022] Presented my work: "Sampled-Boosting Regression Transfer for Atmospheric Pollution Prediction" as a poster on Georgia Statistics Day 2022.
  • [10/17/2022] Attended ACM CIKM 2022 conference in Atlanta, GA, USA. I am honored to receive the Travel Grant Award!

About Me

I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science at Emory University where I am advised by Dr. Avani Wildani (now at Cloudflare).

My research focuses on designing domain adaptation & transfer learning models for high-dimensional spatio-temporal datasets. The current transfer learning methodologies do not account for non-i.i.d characteristics in the data. Since spatio-temporal data often consists of such spurious characterisitcs, the objective of my research is to understand latent patterns in the data, improve the robustness of transfer learning techniques and design effective (data-efficient) modeling techniques for the (complex) data. A problem that I am keenly interested in is designing transfer learning models for the prediction of air pollution in countries/communities that require a cost effective solution.

For my research, I am fortunate to work with Dr. Yang Liu and Dr Andreas Zufle. I have also worked with Dr. Emily Wall in the domain of human decision making. Previously, I obtained my master's degree at IIIT-Delhi where I worked with Dr. Vinod Scaria @CSIR-IGIB for my Thesis.
